Posts Tagged ‘recovery’
What’s the #1 Muscle Anyone with Back Pain Needs to Learn About?
The internal obliques help us rotate, bend to the side, and bend forward. But, their ability to eliminate back and hip pain is why you’ll love them!
Read MoreHow to Make Hip Pain Disappear Once and for All
For many people, hip pain is caused by tight muscles–one in particular. Read on to learn how to stretch this muscle and get rid of hip pain right now!
Read MoreWork Your Hip Stabilizers to Find Pain Relief and Increased Mobility
I broke my neck June 30, 2017. When I started physical therapy, my main goal was to get rid of the dull, constant pain that I felt and improve my range of motion. I was surprised to learn that if you work your hip stabilizers, you can find pain relief and increased mobility.
Read MoreParsvottanasana: Open Your Hamstrings and Fix Back Pain
Parsvottanasana is great for people with tight hamstrings and low back pain. When done correctly, it stretches the hamstrings and helps traction your spine.
Read MoreCobra Pose (Bhujangasana): Relieve Back Pain
When I first saw Cobra pose, I thought it would cause back pain, not fix it. However, I soon discovered the correct muscles to engage to relieve back pain.
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